Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Week 9: Clear

This weeks lesson was about the Internet and the Worldwide Web, how it works and what can be done with it.

According the lectures, the Internet is a world-wide network of networks connecting businesses, government agencies, educational institutions and individuals.

There are two main ways to connect to the Internet. The methods of connecting to the internet include: Dial-up access (which I remember using in elementary school on my Toshiba desktop computer) and High-speed/Broadband access.

To get internet you must go through something known as access providers. According the the lecture, and access provider is a business that provides individuals and businesses with access to the Internet for a fee.

Moving on to the Web. The lecture states that the Web is where you search for and use information. Individuals can also share and view media files on the Web.

The Internet has grown significantly since it began more than 30 years ago. It is now used in a wide variety of ways and provides individuals with endless opportunities to browse and connect with people from around the world.

Below is a great video giving numbers and statistics of the state of the Internet:

The State of the Internet

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