Friday, September 10, 2010

Week 3: Clear

USB Flash drive

The one part of the storage lecture that I understood clearly was the USB flash drives. I have been using a USB for storage since high school. In doing more research on USB’s I read that they were first launched almost ten years ago.

USB flash drives have essentially revolutionized the way we transfer files in-between computers. What I like most about flash drives is the speed. The fastest flash drive currently on the market is a USB 2.0. This flash drive is able to reach speeds of up to 34 and 28 megabytes per second respectively. A faster flash drive means less time waiting to transfer flies.

Currently everyone in the flash drive world is really looking forward to the USB 3.0. The manufacture Super Talent has already released three USB drives that takes advantage of the new faster interface.

According to an article by the Web site “everything USB,” another big development with flash drives is how hardware encryption is becoming more of a commodity than a luxury.

I love using USB’s. They are small, convenient and easy to use. I love that it’s the market for USB’s is expanding and becoming more accessible for everyone to use.

Watch this video about the new USB flash drive

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